j3dview and j3d animation editor Setup


  1. Quick Intro
  2. Python
  3. j3dview
  4. j3d animation editor

Quick Intro

The setup for the tools in this tutorial will be for j3dview and j3d-animation-editor. They are powerful tools, with the first one being able to view and edit certain aspects of BMD/BDL models and the second for editing and creating JSYSTEM animation files.

Image could not be loaded.

(Fig. 1 - a SMG1 planet model opened in j3dview)

Image could not be loaded.

(Fig. 2 - an animation file for materials opened in j3d-animation-editor)


Both tools run with different versions of Python and with a few Python modules. Fortunately, in contrast with Java, you can use different Python installations without much issue (I don’t know how in MacOS at the moment).

j3dview - by RenolY2

Serves to view models/edit textures/test animations on BMD/BDL models.

Runs with Python 3.5 (specifically that Python version) and requires the PyQt5, PyOpenGL, NumPy and Cython Python modules to work.


Download and install Python 3.5 for your platform from this link

Direct link for installers:

After installation, open a CMD window and type,

py -3.5 -m pip install --upgrade pip

py -3.5 -m pip install PyQt5 PyOpenGL NumPy Cython

Now go to the j3dview program folder, open a CMD window on that path and, to run the program, execute:

py -3.5 j3dview.py

Linux (Debian-based)

Install Python 3.5 with APT typing on the terminal the following (at least with Ubuntu 18.04):

sudo apt install python3.5

This will install Python 3.5 and then to install the required modules type:

python3.5 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.5 -m pip install PyQt5 PyOpenGL NumPy Cython

Now go to the j3dview program folder, open a terminal on that path and, to run the program, execute:

python3.5 j3dview.py

j3d animation editor - by Tarsa129

Serves to view/edit/create JSYSTEM animation files.

Runs with Python 3.7 or greater and requires the PyQt5 Python module to work.


Download and install Python 3.7 for your platform from this link

Direct link for installers:

After installation, open a CMD window and type,

py -3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

py -3.7 -m pip install PyQt5

Now go to the j3d-animation-editor program folder, open a CMD window on that path and, to run the program, execute:

py -3.7 animation_editor.py

Linux users (Debian-based)

Install Python 3.7 with APT typing on the terminal the following (at least with Ubuntu 18.04):

sudo apt install python3.7

This will install Python 3.7 and then to install the required module type:

python3.7 -m pip install --upgrade pip

python3.7 -m pip install PyQt5

Now go to the j3d-animation-editor program folder, open a terminal on that path and, to run the program, execute:

python3.7 animation_editor.py